How to Make Handicraft (Pencil Box)
by: Oktaviana Nikmah WD
10 April 2017


*      Topic : making handicraft
     Goal: To giving information about how to make handicraft and increasing creativity and add value of the goods
*      Steps :

1.      Wash a plastic bottle
2.      Cut a bottle
3.      Wrap a bottle and Paint a paper
Result: pencil box ready

-         An empty plastic bottle of mineral water
-          A sharp cutter
-          A piece of white or colorful paper
-         Some paints
-         Some glue
          Handicraft is an activity that related with the art of hand skills in processing a goods usually from secondhand goods become goods valuable. The goods will more have use values, if the goods are processed become something useful. You can change the use of goods become something interesting and increase creativity by using secondhand goods such as making frame for photo, flowers, pencil box, and so on. I will make something easy and simple things that is make pencil box. Here, there are some ways how to make pencil box.
            The first way is you have to wash the bottle first and make sure it’s really clean. It aims to during the process coloring to get maximum result. If the bottle washing process is not clean, then the dirty of bottle will mix with the colors so that the resulting color will fade. After washing the bottle, then dried the bottle until dry. During the process of drying the bottle aims to make easier the process of drawing the design on the walls of the bottle.
            The second ways is cut the bottle into two halves to separate the top and bottom, because the top of the bottle do not used. Take the bottom because there is surface to put things such as pencil, ruler, and so on.
            The third ways after you cut the bottle is wrap a bottle. You can use anything to wrap the bottle such as fabric, colored paper, and so on. But in this ways, I use colored paper because it easy to process sticking and can decide many of color. So, the bottle will look color full. After you sticking the paper, the next ways is you can create a design like cartoon characters, flowers, and so on to enhance the appearance or add accessories. The last is the pencil box ready to use.
            With this pencil box will make your desk more interesting and your goods can put in this pencil box. Making handicraft will increase your creativity. 



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